Easter 2009 Art Cross

Okay, a little explanation here.  For Lent 2009, our theme was "A journey of sorrows" how Jesus journey to the cross was full of tears and how it was all changed by the resurrection.  An artist in our church did this sketch, and basically what happened is we chopped it up into 6 separate paintings and had some engineers in our church design an aluminum frame that was built to hold all the paintings together to look like this.  So why 6 separate paintings you ask?  The first week of lent started out at the bottom (each painting pertaining to the sermon for the week - washing Jesus' feet, garden of Gethsemane, etc..), then the next week a piece of the frame, and the next painting was added.  Then right after the sermon during the last song, the artist would come on stage and paint the tear of the painting adding a splash of color.  The last week was the middle of the cross (Maundy Thursday - the big eye with a tear).  On Easter the whole thing was put in the middle of the stage with backlit colored fabric draped behind.  Here's the end result.

It was super complicated to put together, but worth it.  People were very skeptical at first not knowing where it was going, but once they saw a cross take shape, it took on a lot of meaning.  We still have the paintings, but the aluminum frame was borrowed material, so we don't have that anymore :(

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